

NFT Hydroponic Build
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. What is NFT Hydroponics 2. NFT Structure 3. Control Panel 4. Water Environment 5. Air Environment 6. Power Control Box / Lights / Amps 7. Nursery 8. Dashboard / Monitor / Camera 1. What is NFT Hydroponics NFT or Nutrient Film Technique is an active, recycling form…
Plant Environment Optimization
It wasn’t enough for the hydroponic system to be fully automated. It also needed to be fully optimized. It turns out there is more than just light or water and there are several factors that affect plant growth Major factors effecting plant growth: PH Nutrient Level Water Temperature Water Ox…
PCB Design
After having completed the wiring of the sensors using jumper cables it became an obvious source of improvement. The jumper cables had done their job at verifying the sensors worked but were less reliable than what a printed circuit board would provide. I had recently started working for a micro…
Hydroponic Dashboard
To create a dashboard for the hydroponic system I used Mycodo, an open-source environmental monitoring and regulation system. Mycodo runs on the Raspberry Pi and uses a web user interface as the front end The first step was adding the inputs. My inputs included my hydroponic sensors, an API to
Sprout Image Recognition (ML)
My quest to automate the growing process led me to use machine learning to recognize when sprouts were ready to be moved to the hydroponic system. To start, I soaked rockwool in 1/8th nutrient concentration. Rockwool is the growth medium of choice for NFT hydroponics and is great for
Clone Propagation Tank
My goal is to fully optimize the growing process of plants (Find more about this here ). This requires me to maximize the amount of controlable processes in order to limit the levels of error. Each seed is genetically unique. This causes va…


Pixel Art.PY
I loved playing with Legos as a kid and I recently wanted to try them out again. One of the sets that caught my eye was an image remade with Legos I had recently seen a video where they paired NFC tags with album covers to play the album on
Cornhole Board Build
This project is possible be cause my great, great, great, great, great... grandparents moved to Indiana in 18XX and homesteaded 500 Acres. I am now the 7th generate to grow up working on this farm and one of the perks to that is access to woods that run along the

About Me

A 2006 Jeep TJ Unlimited has been my dream car and in early 2020 I was finally able to get my hands on one. I can’t remember exactly what I envisioned owning it would be like but I have a feeling it was something close to this Now that I
Tyrannosaurus Rex
Tyrannosaurus or Rex for short is my 1 year old Bernese Mountain Dog / Poodle Rex hasn’t always been the large ferocious beast he is today. In fact he used to be different kind of handful While my mom and little brother took care young Tyrannosaurus until he was old enough